
The Phantom Fauna Oracle Deck

Created by Samantha Sawyer

The Phantom Fauna Oracle deck is an immersive messenger designed to provide clarity through hauntingly beautiful illustrations of the animals that surround us.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Over halfway there!! Amazing first day!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 06:16:32 AM

Oh wow!! We have made it to 74% funded in a little over 12 hours! How incredible!! Thank you all SO much for this, I am truly honored and SO beyond excited about creating this deck.

As I type this update we are only $900 away from being completely 100% FUNDED! That’s incredible! Thank you all so much for making this into a reality!

These cards were inspired by a lot of my own personal omens and guides I have come across in my life. I’ve had white hares cross my path in a busy parking lot, white doves in places where they shouldn’t be, and more than just a few black cats show up. (LOVE black cats!)

The deck has 40 original illustrations I spent months working on! Whenever I do a new deck, it’s all I put my mind towards for quite some time haha 😂

I have a small sample of some of the cards I will be posting pictures of this weekend! The sample does not have the UV spot treatment, as I am waiting to get THAT sample soon.

I’ll also post a few examples later of what the box design will look like, the guide book, and overall appearance of the deck.

And then once we hit the first goal, we can start talking about stretch goals! <3


I had a few people message me about add-ons! So thank you for that! I will also be reaching out to you all individually but wanted to address it here as well.

I WILL be doing add-ons from ALL my tarot decks and past shop treasures once the campaign is over! I will be using BACKERKIT to do my surveys, so once the campaign ends and surveys go out, you will have a chance to get additional goodies! I decided not to use the kickstarter add on feature this time around. I am more comfortable with backerkit :)

Thank you for understanding, and thank you for such a great first day!!! If you have questions, just shoot me a message here on kickstarter!

